Eagle Job Cost Services
Job Cost and Work In Progress (WIP) Reporting for the Contracting Industry
Our two principals each have over 38 years of contracting experience in Job Cost, Work In Progress (WIP) and Percent Complete Accounting  Management. Let us help you manage and keep track of your projects and your company overall. Keeping track of your cost is easier than you think.

You will receive weekly Job Cost Reports and Monthly Work In Progress (WIP) Reports.
(WIPS are an optional report)

Job Cost Reports will update the hours and money spent for the previous week and Job To Date. In order to be profitable you need to be able to react to items that are having a negative affect on your project. Without the information provided in these reports you have no way of knowing where to react. Items having a negative affect on your project will be in red font.

On each of these reports we track:

1.   Original Contract - Change Orders - Total Contract
2.   Budgeted Profit
3.   Billed to Date - Billed Less Cost to Date
4.   Collected to Date - Collected Less Cost to Date
5.   Estimated Earned Revenue
6.   Estimated Earned Profit
7.   Workdays Left on Project
8.   % of Workdays Left on Project
9.   Project Percent Complete
10. Labor - by Cost Code
          a. Budgeted hours and cost
          b. Previous week hours and cost
          c. Job to date hours and cost
          d. Percent complete based on hours
          e. Percent complete based on cost
          f.  Cost remaining
          g. Current labor rate versus estimated labor

11. Materials - by Cost Code
          a. Budgeted cost
          b. Job to date cost
          c. Percent complete based on cost
          d. Cost remaining

12. Joe Expense - by Cost Code
          a. Budgeted cost
          b. Job to date cost
          c. Percent complete based on cost
          d. Cost remaining

13. Project Total - Budget
14. Project Total - Cost to Date
15. Project Total - Cost Remaining
We specialize in serving the contracting industry at reasonable rates. It does not matter how small or large
you are, accurate job costing is a must in order to keep track of where your money is going.

Give us a call today and see how inexpensive and easy it can be to watch your money.
Office Phone: 8l3.454.5778                                                   Email: info@jobcostreports.com
We take VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover
Sample - Weekly Job Cost Report for an Electrical Contractor.
You can change your cost codes to fit your business.
You can add and delete as many cost codes as required for your particular project
Work In Progress Reports (WIP's) are also available that add the ability to track:
1. Your budget and cost on a monthly basis
2. Earned revenue based on percent complete accounting on a monthly basis
3. Earned profit based on percent complete accounting on a monthly basis.
4. Material Committed Cost

This report allows you to total up your earned revenues and profit for all your projects. You can now subtract your company overhead from your earned profits on a monthly basis to see if your company is making money or not. 
Eagle Electrical Contracting Services
Eagle Electrical Contracting Services
Eagle Electrical Contracting Services